
Our network celebrating the culture & heritage of individuals within the firm

Mission statement

Meet the team

I was delighted to be asked to be Partner Sponsor for the Embrace Network, as the network has a positive message to drive real and effective change to secure a fairer society. The network is made up of talented and passionate people who have a common aim and use their collective voice to raise awareness of the issues and to educate, which are fundamental factors in bringing about meaningful change.

Kashmir Uppal, Embrace network sponsor

Network highlights

  • 1 Developing a firmwide cultural events calendar 
  • 2 Marking key occasions such as Black History Month through communications and awareness campaigns 
  • 3 Informing and educating colleagues through internal webinars 
  • 4 Having the opportunity to take part in the first round of the firm’s Reciprocal Mentoring programme


Get In Touch

If you are interested in learning more about our network please contact one of the committee or get in touch via the details below.

Our partnerships