
Built on strong foundations in both Technology and Financial Services we provide market-leading insight, expertise, and support to businesses across the FinTech ecosystem.

What we do

Our team understand the often unique combination of factors, issues, and risks faced by businesses operating in, providing, or using FinTech of all kinds - from consumer-facing products and propositions to infrastructure and back-office operations. Critically this experience has been gained side by side with our clients in product design, at the negotiating table, dealing with regulators, and often as part of the internal team.

How we do it

The law of FinTech is a “discipline of disciplines” and we regularly draw on our award willing legal expertise across a range of areas to support clients in the space including:

  • Technology and commercial contracts
  • IP
  • Data and Privacy
  • Banking and Asset Finance
  • Regulatory (including Financial Services)
  • Consumer
  • Corporate Finance
  • Digital Assets and Securities
  • Employment and Immigration
  • Tax

FinTech clients need lawyers who don’t just understand these areas in isolation but who can ask the “right questions” and tailor their advice in a way which meets their individual needs. In a rapidly moving Sector, many of the clients or projects we have dealt with have broken new ground, often requiring a creative, flexible approach, drawing on wider / lateral industry and market knowledge.

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FinTech - at a glance 

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London Fintech Week Conference 2024 - Panel - International Payments

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