Nottingham colleagues complete Robin Hood Half Marathon in aid of Dementia UK

On Sunday 30th September 2018 my Dad, elder sister Helen and I undertook the challenge of running the Robin Hood Half Marathon in Nottingham in support of Dementia UK.

Having seen the impact of this disease within our family over the last few years, we wanted to help and support this amazing cause. Through vital fundraising they are able to improve and better the lives of people with dementia and their loved ones. The half marathon was also pretty major to me because it was my first half marathon (and race for that matter!) Although, with the thought of the support of my Dad and Helen at my side, I knew that I wasn’t going to give up!

Nottingham colleagues complete Robin Hood Half Marathon in aid of Dementia UKWaking up on the morning of the run was a rather surreal moment. The three of us had signed up for the half marathon months before but to say we were underprepared is an understatement! Nevertheless, we bundled into the car for the short drive from home into Nottingham, en route to the start line.

Sarah Burke, office assistant, Nottingham office

Angst was definitely building by the time we actually made it there, not helped by the fact that Helen hadn’t received her race number so we had to factor in retrieving a new number (and safety pins!) from the help desk. Meanwhile the ladies laden in lycra leading the warm up were flying through their routine, accompanied by numerous whoops and motivational soundbites to gear everyone up for ever imminent pull of the trigger of the starting gun.

Fuelled with adrenaline and excitement we accelerated over the start line and stayed together for the first couple of miles. The sea of runners that generated from being cooped up in the starting pen quickly dissipated, as did the sudden burst of energy that had spurred us on in the beginning! As we began to break away from the crowds, we followed suit by parting ways ourselves. My Dad and I separated after the third mile, reuniting at the finish line as he cheered me on, 2 hours and 27 minutes after we had set off. Although Mo Farah won’t be quaking in his trainers any time soon, I was happily satisfied with my achievement, which was suitably rewarded with a ginormous helping of Sunday Pub Lunch!

All in all, our three-musketeer effort managed to drum up a total fund of £737.50! – A sum achieved in no small measure by the very kind donations by Shoosmiths. We have to say a huge thank you to Shoosmiths, your support and generosity made a huge difference, not only to our final fundraising total but by maintaining our motivation all along the way for the whole 13.1 miles. Thank you!


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