Shoosmiths Pennies from Heaven Gold Medalist

Shoosmiths has achieved the highest level possible – gold – in the innovative scheme that sees employees donate the pennies in their net salaries to the charity(ies) of our choice.

Pennies from Heaven (PFH) is the UK’s fastest growing micro-giving scheme of its kind. For too long, traditional workplace giving has focused on individual generosity.

PFH works with more than 220 UK organisations that recognise the opportunity to encourage a team approach to charitable giving.

Despite a challenging macro-economic environment and the pressures this can put on charitable donations, the PFH scheme has raised more than £2.1m for over 192 charities since 1999, and is seeing year-on-year growth in donations - 56% increase 2009-2012.

The PFH annual awards celebrate employers and employees who have demonstrated commendable commitment and generosity.

It is pleased to announce the winners of its 2013 awards programme, with Shoosmiths recognised as Gold Award winners alongside the likes of the Bank of England.

Gold medals are awarded to employers with more than 20% of staff participating in the scheme.

This is a great reflection on the people at Shoosmiths. Thank you!

Pennies from Heaven director Kate Frost said: “We want to say thank you to all our members, and hope that these awards inspire even more organisations, staff and pensioners to join us in the future.”


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